16 June 2011

All over world, human beings believe they can find solutions to their problems in new products, medicines and technology. Most aren’t aware that deep within themselves resides a mo...
27 September 2011
There are two types of Mantras:(1) The Affirmation, and (2) The Poem of PraiseWe chant Mantras for various purposesThe poem of praiseThese Sanskrit verses are chanted in prais...
27 September 2011

The Affirmation: When a Chakra has been affected and if the residing deity of the Chakra recedes, the qualities of that Chakra do not maintain themselves without constant attention...
09 February 2013

(Sahasrara Puja, 05-05-1984, Edited DVD / Divine Cool Breeze, Jan-Feb, 2007)I think the first era of Sahaja Yoga has ended and new era has started. In the first era of Sahaja Yoga,...
23 July 2013
The Kundalini is the harp on which the Divine plays the melody of its Love. She is the ladder by which the seeker steps across the threshold into the fathomless Unconscious. She is...
24 December 2013
Merry Christmas

...One day, Shalivahan, the chief of the Sakyas, went into the Himalayas. There, in the Land of the Hun (Ladakh, a part of the Kushan empire), the powerful king saw a man sittingon...